Dear friends,

HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES at Congregation Temple Beth-El  WILL BE SHORTENED  to accommodate the concerns of many congregants over the Covid/Delta virus.  ( We will retain the essence of the Holidays, as well as the mitzvah of the Shofar, while
adding an additional element of prevention, along with masking, spacing, and vaccination requirements.)

The Rosh Hashanah Service  is being rescheduled to about 90 minutes on Day 1 (and 2), (plus a Tashlich service (+ shofar) at the lake.)
YOM KIPPUR  SERVICES will also undergo significant shortening.

The deadline for seat requests is coming up this weekend. A new schedule of the shortened services will be E-mailed and available on our websitewhen completed by the Rabbi and Rituals Committee.

 If reserved attendance is deemed low enough, we may move them back to  our synagogue.  If registration is too low, indoor services will be cancelled, we will still  do an abbreviated Shofar service at the state beach with taschlich.

Thank you for your patience in these matters, and your support.

Larry Seitelman

PS:  checks are not being cashed, as indoor services may be cancelled.  The link to Zoom Hi Holiday Services from Rabbi Elkodsi, from Malverne Jewish Center, will be re-sent with a future E-mail.HIGH HOLIDAY SERVU]ICE


Dear friends,

In order to use best practices to protect the health of all who attend services at Congregation Temple Beth-El, we are instituting a ‘ Masks, and Social distance’ requirement at the synagogue, effective immediately.  This applies to all attendees, including those of us who are vaccinated.  

The Delta Variant has caused a significant uptick in Covid-19 cases, including known cases amongst the vaccinated and young adults and teens.   Not a lot of data or guidance is yet available for religious services in NYS, but we are opting to err on the safe side.   Of course, each congregant must use their own judgement in deciding what is in their best interests of their own health and welfare in deciding whether to attend services, or any group function. 

Attendees for kiddush, and lunch and learn session must be vaccinated. No exceptions.  Hand disinfectants are available.   Masks and Social Distancing are required in all parts of the synagogue.

If you do not feel well, or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive, please do not attend

Thank your for your cooperation and understanding.

Best Regards,

Board of Directors, 

Congregation Temple Beth-El

High Holiday Seats Reminder!

Dear Friends:
We need to hear from you.  Are you thinking about attending services for the high holidays? Rosh Hashanah?  Day one/day two?  Yom Kippur? In order to properly plan for a very much larger crowd or a smaller group, let us know if you are thinking of coming or not.  We are considering an alternate site to accommodate more people.  This won’t be necessary if we are just the usual folks.  So we need to hear from you.  Your response does not guarantee a seat nor obligate you to come.  Just give us an idea.  If you have not yet responded, please do.

Also, Rabbi Neal’s services are interesting and followed by our fabulous kiddush.  The lunch and learn series is always great.  Please plan to attend.  Want to sponsor a kiddush in honor of a wonderful occasion  or in memory of a loved one? It’s just a 100.00 donation, and you will have a crowd to celebrate with you!     

Fri night services: 8PM;     

Saturdays:  9:30AM

Send an e-mail to let us know about the holidays: MESEITEL@aol.com.

Thanks so much.

Larry Seitelman

President, Congregation Temple Beth-El


Congregation Temple Beth-El of Kauneonga Lake  (our 99th year)

Dear Friends,

It has been a very long year for everyone, but we are happy to announce that Congregation Temple Beth El will be reopening for Shabbat services on Friday, July 2  at 8:00pm and Saturday, July 3 at 9:30am.  

Once again, Rabbi Neal Loevinger  will be leading services.  We expect services to be held in normal fashion now that most folks are vaccinated.  If you would like to attend and have not had  the vaccine, we request that you wear a mask and sit in the front side sections.  There is plenty of room on Shabbat to accommodate those who wish to socially distance. 

The ever popular Lunch and Learn is anticipated to be held as it has been in the past with  Rabbi Neal leading interesting discussions on a a variety of topics.  We can always use help setting up and cleaning up for kiddush.   

Since Rosh Hashanah will begin Monday evening of Labor Day weekend, we need to know how many of you expect to attend on Monday, Tuesday and the following Wednesday for Yom Kippur and if you would like extra seats for relatives.  We have limited seating in the synagogue, but would like to have everyone attend who would like to come.  We are looking into alternate venues if many more than usual want to come.  Your response does not guarantee a seat or obligate you to come, it just gives us an idea as to what we need to plan for.  There may be some who still do not feel comfortable sitting so close to others, so it is important that we hear from you.

Currently, we are considering hiring security again due to the rise in anti-semitic-anti-Israel  attacks. 

Please let us hear from you in regards to the high holidays so we can begin making preparations.  Be aware that if you do not respond, we may not be able to provide seating for you. 

Please respond to Mary-Ellen  Seitelman,  MESEITEL@aol.com  about the holidays.


Thank you all for your continued support.  If you have not sent in your 2021 dues ($150), please send to;

   Congregation Temple Beth-El

   PO BOX 539

   Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749

We hope you all are well and look forward to seeing you in the synagogue.

Larry Seitelman,  on behalf of the board.