High Holiday Services

September, 2024

Dear Friends,

Congregation Temple Beth-El of Kauneonga Lake is once again pleased to present our schedule and reservation REQUEST FORM for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 5785. This will be the 101st year that High Holiday Services have been scheduled in our historic building.

Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantors Lenny and Leah Zimmerman will again lead services.

Due to the recent outbreaks of Covid-19, a ‘break the fast’ will not be held this year. Though the building is heated, windows will be open, and Fans/Ventilation will be on again, so dress accordingly. Attendees of any gathering should consider their own health interests.

If you are not feeling well, or been in contact with others who tested positive in the last 10 days, please do not attend.

Priority will be given to paid up members.

DEADLINE for requests is September 23rd!


It is once again time to plan for the High Holidays. Congregation Temple Beth-El is pleased to announce that services will be conducted by Rabbi Neal Loevinger, and Cantors Lenny & Leah Zimmerman. Seating chart will be posted.

The schedule of services is as follows:

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday Oct 2nd
Candle Lighting 6:22 PM (in Bethel, NY)
Ma’ariv 8:00 pm

Rosh Hashanah 1st day Thursday, Oct 3rd
Morning Service 9:00 am
Tashlich at State Boat Launch 5:00 pm
Mincha Immediately following Tashlich back at synagogue
Mincha-Ma’ariv approx. 5:30 pm

Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Friday, Oct 4th
Morning Service 9:00 am

Shabbat Shuva Saturday, October 5th
Morning Service 9:30 am

Erev Yom Kippur Friday, October 11th
Kol Nidre Service 6:00 pm
Candle Lighting 6:07 PM (in Bethel NY)

Yom Kippur Saturday, October 12th
Morning Service 9:00 am
Yizkor Approximately 11:00 am
Mincha (Book of Jonah) 4:45 pm
Neilah 6:00 pm
Shofar (approx.) 6:50 pm

‘Break the Fast’ is not planned due to the recent uptick in Covid-19 cases.

If you have not yet paid your 2024 dues, please do so. SEATING IS LIMITED. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE HERE FOR JUST ONE HOLIDAY by checking the boxes for the days you plan to attend.

Please email the information regarding holiday seats to Mary-Ellen – Meseitel@aol.com or text: 518-339-3219


Rosh Hashanah ( ) Yom Kippur ( ) # attending ____

High Holiday Seats
Members _______ X $50.00 ____________ (Includes dependent children)
Members’ Family _______X $65.00 ____________
Non-members _______ X $100.00 ____________ (Non-members may purchase seats as well, if available.)

Dues ( if unpaid) ($180.00) ____________

*Donation ____________
Total $ ____________ (Please make checks payable to Congregation Temple Beth-El)

* We have kept our dues/ticket fees low but our expenses have increased. Donations would be greatly appreciated.

You may use Zelle to send your payment ( Send via Zelle to: Meseitel@aol.com, It will show as Congregation Temple Beth-El when added to recipients in Zelle).

OR mail checks to: Congregation Temple Beth-El
PO Box 645 (NOTE NEW P.O. BOX #)
Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749

Email: Meseitel@aol.com
Phone#: 518-339-3219

Lunch and Learn and Kiddush Remain Suspended – Services Continue

Lunch and Learn with the Rabbi, and the Kiddush remain suspended at this time due to the numbers of Covid-19 cases reported in the area.

Services continue to be held in the sanctuary, which allows for distancing, with open window and forced air circulation. Attendees must determine their own acceptable risk level.

The annual membership meeting has not yet been rescheduled.

If you have not paid your 2024 dues, please remit $180.00 to:

Congregation Temple Beth-El
P.O. Box 645
Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749

Thank you for your continued support!

Larry Seitelman, President
for the Board of Directors

Annual Meeting Canceled

Dear friends,

Please note;

We are cancelling the annual meeting originally scheduled for Sunday, 7-21-24, DUE TO AN OUTBREAK OF COVID-19 locally and statewide!

All activities downstairs in the rec room are also cancelled, including Kiddush and lunch and learn.

Sorry for this, but your health is our first consideration.

More information will follow as the week progresses.

Larry Seitelman
President – Congregation Temple Beth-El

Summer Services Resume

                    Fri    8:00 PM
                    Sat:  9:30 AM   
 Services followed by our fabulous kiddush  AND Rabbi Neal Loevinger’s Lunch and Learn Series

Annual Meeting Notice Sunday, JULY 21 10AM

Dear Friends,
The Annual Membership Meeting of Congregation Temple Beth-El  will be held in the synagogue Rec room.

Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 10 AM




  • Acceptance of minutes from last year’s meeting.
  • Reports of the President, and Treasurer.
  • Ongoing renovations, and proposed programs going forward.
  • Election of Officers and Directors
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Adjournment
Larry Seitelman,  for the Board of Directors


Dear Friends,

Wishing all a HAPPY 2024. For more than a decade, (two decades?) it has been my privilege to represent the Board of Directors and Trustees of Congregation Temple Beth-El, present an organizational update and ask for your continued support of our historic and singularly unique synagogue. I am confident that the significance of maintaining a Traditional Egalitarian house of worship and cemetery in town is understood by the members of our Congregation, as well as the realization that if it is allowed to disappear, as did so many of the other historic institutions of the Borscht Belt, it would not be recoverable. Folks have returned to the Town of Bethel looking for their old bungalows, hotels, delicatessens, drug store, and general stores only to find that Congregation Temple Beth-El was the only existing building they recognized! We thank you for your continued support as we enter our second hundred years of service to the community.

Despite the many uncertainties in our world these days, I am happy to report that our Congregation will, for the 101st year, hold services at our landmark synagogue for the Summer and High Holidays. Last summer, as the pandemic waned, services continued to return to a state of normalcy, with Shabbat Services Fri nights and Saturdays, complete with our fabulous lunch and learns. Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantor Lenny Zimmerman, (along with his daughters Rebecca and Leah), again provided traditional High Holiday services that were warm, inviting, and a most enjoyable way to mark the end of the season and those solemn occasions. A centennial-worthy ‘break the fast’ and mid-season ‘centennial luncheon’ at the synagogue were well attended, and topped off with presentation of a NYS Legislative Proclamation noting the historic contributions and significance of our Congregation by our area’s legislative Representative, the Honorable Aileen Gunther. A landmark Centennial Journal was well supported and received, thanks to our committee members Mike Kossove, Elaine Lieberman, Mary-Ellen Seitelman, & Larry Seitelman.

As our historic synagogue and Congregation enters our 101st year, it remains the last operating Conservative Shul in the ‘Borscht Belt’. Like all institutions, it requires continual funding to survive. As we await another lovely summer in the Catskills, the synagogue and Rabbinical apartment are undergoing extensive repairs (including roofing and structural) resulting from 100 years of service to the community. We hope you will continue your generous support and participation so that we can maintain and upgrade this wonderful temple and cemetery for future generations.

DUES have been increased slightly to 180.00/ FAMILY. It is your dues and donations that sustain our historic synagogue. (Includes cemetery privileges as specified in the bylaws).

Please call Mary-Ellen (518) 339-3219, or e-mail meseitel (at) aol.com with any questions.

Please return your $180.00 check to:

c/o Mary-Ellen Seitelman
9798 Harbour Lake Circle
Boynton Beach, FL 33437

After May 1, 2024, send checks to:
P.O. BOX 645 (NOTE THIS NEW P.O. BOX Number)
Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749

Very sincerely,
Larry Seitelman, President

Ira Shechter, Vice Pres.
Mary-Ellen Seitelman, Treasurer
Henne Altman, Secretary

P.S. Please let us know of any changes to your address(es), phone numbers, e-mail, etc.

High Holiday Schedule and Seating Request

Dear Friends,

Congregation Temple Beth-El of Kauneonga Lake is once again pleased to present our seating reservation REQUEST FORM for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 5784. This will be the 100th year that High Holiday Services have been scheduled in our historic building.

Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantor Lenny Zimmerman will again lead services.

We also hope to be able to provide a ‘Once every Hundred Years’ Fabulous Break the Fast’ in the Social Hall following Yom Kippur Services. (Remember to check the ‘will attend’ and ‘how many’ boxes on the form so we can plan appropriately).

A High Holiday schedule and ticket order form follows on p2 of this letter and will be available for download on our website. Priority will be given to paid up members.

Deadline for requests is September 5th! Don’t forget the ‘Break the Fast’ checkbox and HOW MANY (if you will be there). Please note that our new P.O. BOX number is 645, Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749.

We look forward to observing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with all of you. The entire board extends its warmest wishes to you and your family for a very happy and healthy New Year.

L’Shana Tovah,
Larry Seitelman, President


As summer draws to an end, it is once again time to plan for the High Holidays. Congregation Temple Beth-El is pleased to announce that services will be conducted by Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantor Leonard Zimmerman.

The schedule of services is as follows:

Erev Rosh Hashanah Friday September 15th
Ma’ariv 8:00 pm
Candle Lighting 6:47 PM

Rosh Hashanah 1st day Saturday, September 16st
Morning Service 9:00 am
Mincha-Ma’ariv 6:30 pm

Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Sunday, September 17th
Morning Service 9:00 am
Tashlich at State Launch Tashlich at Lake 4:00 pm
Mincha Immediately following Tashlich

Erev Yom Kippur Sunday, September 24th
Kol Nidre 6:30 pm
Candle Lighting 6:32 PM

Yom Kippur Monday, September 25th
Morning Service 9:00 am
Yizkor Approximately 11:00 am
Mincha (Book of Jonah) 5:15 pm
Neilah 6:30 pm
Shofar (approx.) 7:20 pm

Join us immediately following services to break the fast.

We hope you are planning to join us. For tickets, please fill out the form and mail to the address above by Sept. 5th.

Questions? call Mary-Ellen Seitelman (518) 339-3219. Non-members may purchase seats as well, if available.


—–CUT HERE—– ——————— ——————- ——- ————–



Phone #




If you have not yet paid your 2023 dues, please do so. SEATING IS LIMITED. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE HERE FOR JUST ONE HOLIDAY.

[__] Only Rosh Hashanah [__] Only Yom Kippur – check IF applicable

Dues ( if unpaid) (150.00) ____________

High Holiday Seats

Members _______ X 50.00 ____________ (Includes dependent children)

Members’ Family _______X 65.00 ____________

Non-members _______ X 100.00 ____________

*Donation ____________

Total ____________ (Please make checks payable to Congregation Temple Beth-El)

Planning on attending Break the Fast?
YES [__] HOW MANY?________ NO [__] please check one

* We have kept our dues/ticket fees low but our expenses have increased. Donations would be greatly appreciated.


SPECIAL GUEST: Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther

Following Shabbat Service Aug 26, we have a super-fabulous Kiddush planned for Sat. Aug 26.


THIS IS NECESSARY due to the special occasion.


Looking forward to seeing you,

Larry Seitelman
for the Board of Directors.
Congregation Temple Beth-El

You Are Invited…

Dear Friends of Congregation Temple Beth-El,

Cantor Lenny Zimmerman, and Rabbi Neal Loevinger have asked me to invite you, as our members, to be part of the leadership of the services,(Shacharit, Torah Service, and Musaf) read Torah or Haftorah, have an Aliyah for a special event (with a Mesheberach) such as a birthday, anniversary, return from a trip, or any other reason to have an Aliyah and blessing; and/or a D’var Torah. You might also be interested in sponsoring a fabulous Kiddush in honor of a joyous event, or in memory of someone or something.

We could especially use help on July 29th and 30th when the Rabbi will be away, and August 12th when Lenny will be away.

Please give us the dates you would like to participate and how you can help make this 100th anniversary year even more special.

To assist with services, contact Lenny (bigdocz at aol.com) or Rabbi (rabbineal at gmail.com).

To sponsor a Kiddush, contact Mary-Ellen (meseitel at aol.com)

Thank you,
Larry Seitelman
For the Board
Congregation Temple Beth-El

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 100th YEAR of continuous services at Congregation Temple Beth-El. We hope everyone had a wonderful healthy winter. We are very excited to welcome everyone back. This year Rabbi Neal Loevinger will be returning as will Cantor Lenny Zimmerman.

In honor of our 100th year we are planning a celebration at the end of the summer, tentatively September 10th, with details to follow. Details will follow. We are also creating an anniversary journal to commemorate the occasion. You are encouraged to be part of the journal by creating a page or a portion of a page. We will have a section for In Memorial and In Honor of at a cost of just 25.00 for a listing. More information to follow. If you would like to solicit advertisements for the journal, contact Mike Kossove 718-938-0467.

Also, note that our annual meeting of the general membership is scheduled for Sunday July 30th, 2023 @ 10:30 AM at the synagogue. Officers will be elected.

New windows and a door have been installed in the downstairs making it possible to once again hold our lunch and learn sessions with Rabbi Neal, along with our fabulous kiddush. The construction labor was donated by Mickelson and Sons builders. We thank them for their generosity.

Services will begin on Friday June 30 at 8;00pm. Saturday services will be at 9:30. The first kiddush is being sponsored by Lenny and Susan Zimmerman in honor of their 60th anniversary. Mazel tov!

Everyone is invited to attend services and the lunch and learn sessions and to volunteer. We can always use help setting up and cleaning up for kiddush. If you can help organize the anniversary party let us know. If you would like to lead a portion of the shabbat service or the High Holdiay services, contact Lenny Zimmerman or Rabbi Neal.

Please note that the address of the synagogue is now PO BOX 645, Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749. For those who mail checks be sure to change this in your bank accounts. Help welcome Rabbi Neal back by attending services on June 30 and July 1.

For the Board of Directors,

Larry Seitelman – President