Dear Friends:
We need to hear from you. Are you thinking about attending services for the high holidays? Rosh Hashanah? Day one/day two? Yom Kippur? In order to properly plan for a very much larger crowd or a smaller group, let us know if you are thinking of coming or not. We are considering an alternate site to accommodate more people. This won’t be necessary if we are just the usual folks. So we need to hear from you. Your response does not guarantee a seat nor obligate you to come. Just give us an idea. If you have not yet responded, please do.
Also, Rabbi Neal’s services are interesting and followed by our fabulous kiddush. The lunch and learn series is always great. Please plan to attend. Want to sponsor a kiddush in honor of a wonderful occasion or in memory of a loved one? It’s just a 100.00 donation, and you will have a crowd to celebrate with you!
Fri night services: 8PM;
Saturdays: 9:30AM
Send an e-mail to let us know about the holidays:
Thanks so much.
Larry Seitelman
President, Congregation Temple Beth-El