You Are Invited…

Dear Friends of Congregation Temple Beth-El,

Cantor Lenny Zimmerman, and Rabbi Neal Loevinger have asked me to invite you, as our members, to be part of the leadership of the services,(Shacharit, Torah Service, and Musaf) read Torah or Haftorah, have an Aliyah for a special event (with a Mesheberach) such as a birthday, anniversary, return from a trip, or any other reason to have an Aliyah and blessing; and/or a D’var Torah. You might also be interested in sponsoring a fabulous Kiddush in honor of a joyous event, or in memory of someone or something.

We could especially use help on July 29th and 30th when the Rabbi will be away, and August 12th when Lenny will be away.

Please give us the dates you would like to participate and how you can help make this 100th anniversary year even more special.

To assist with services, contact Lenny (bigdocz at or Rabbi (rabbineal at

To sponsor a Kiddush, contact Mary-Ellen (meseitel at

Thank you,
Larry Seitelman
For the Board
Congregation Temple Beth-El