Dear Friends,
Congregation Temple Beth-El of Kauneonga Lake is once again pleased to present our seating reservation REQUEST FORM for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, 5784. This will be the 100th year that High Holiday Services have been scheduled in our historic building.
Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantor Lenny Zimmerman will again lead services.
We also hope to be able to provide a ‘Once every Hundred Years’ Fabulous Break the Fast’ in the Social Hall following Yom Kippur Services. (Remember to check the ‘will attend’ and ‘how many’ boxes on the form so we can plan appropriately).
A High Holiday schedule and ticket order form follows on p2 of this letter and will be available for download on our website. Priority will be given to paid up members.
Deadline for requests is September 5th! Don’t forget the ‘Break the Fast’ checkbox and HOW MANY (if you will be there). Please note that our new P.O. BOX number is 645, Kauneonga Lake, NY 12749.
We look forward to observing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with all of you. The entire board extends its warmest wishes to you and your family for a very happy and healthy New Year.
L’Shana Tovah,
Larry Seitelman, President
As summer draws to an end, it is once again time to plan for the High Holidays. Congregation Temple Beth-El is pleased to announce that services will be conducted by Rabbi Neal Loevinger and Cantor Leonard Zimmerman.
The schedule of services is as follows:
Erev Rosh Hashanah Friday September 15th
Ma’ariv 8:00 pm
Candle Lighting 6:47 PM
Rosh Hashanah 1st day Saturday, September 16st
Morning Service 9:00 am
Mincha-Ma’ariv 6:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Sunday, September 17th
Morning Service 9:00 am
Tashlich at State Launch Tashlich at Lake 4:00 pm
Mincha Immediately following Tashlich
Erev Yom Kippur Sunday, September 24th
Kol Nidre 6:30 pm
Candle Lighting 6:32 PM
Yom Kippur Monday, September 25th
Morning Service 9:00 am
Yizkor Approximately 11:00 am
Mincha (Book of Jonah) 5:15 pm
Neilah 6:30 pm
Shofar (approx.) 7:20 pm
Join us immediately following services to break the fast.
We hope you are planning to join us. For tickets, please fill out the form and mail to the address above by Sept. 5th.
Questions? call Mary-Ellen Seitelman (518) 339-3219. Non-members may purchase seats as well, if available.
—–CUT HERE—– ——————— ——————- ——- ————–
Phone #
If you have not yet paid your 2023 dues, please do so. SEATING IS LIMITED. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE HERE FOR JUST ONE HOLIDAY.
[__] Only Rosh Hashanah [__] Only Yom Kippur – check IF applicable
Dues ( if unpaid) (150.00) ____________
High Holiday Seats
Members _______ X 50.00 ____________ (Includes dependent children)
Members’ Family _______X 65.00 ____________
Non-members _______ X 100.00 ____________
*Donation ____________
Total ____________ (Please make checks payable to Congregation Temple Beth-El)
Planning on attending Break the Fast?
YES [__] HOW MANY?________ NO [__] please check one
* We have kept our dues/ticket fees low but our expenses have increased. Donations would be greatly appreciated.